May 28, 2024
Lightning Round: Top 10 Ways to Stay on Top of Your Game in Sales
Question: Bernard from Minneapolis asks, “So my team and I are debating sales questions. Should they or should they not change in a shifting marketplace? Not going to tell you which side I am on, but want you to solve our argument. What do you...
May 21, 2024
w/ Guest Host Brynne Tillman!
Lightning Round: Top 10 Focus Areas If You Want to Rock Your Sales Goal
Question: John from Wichita, KS asks, “I am new to sales—just 23—and I am new to Wichita. My boss says I need to network, get connected in our community. I have no idea how or where to start—ideas? Honestly, I...
May 14, 2024
Lightning Round: 10 Biggest Mistakes Salespeople Make
Question: Serena from Ft. Myers asks, “I feel like everywhere I turn, and everything I read these days sales gurus are talking about personalizing the customer experience. Is that different than what we have been doing for years? How important is it in sales today,...
May 7, 2024
Lightning Round: Top 10 Ways to Get Better at Sales
Question: Rhonda from Kauai, Hawaii asks, “ I am struggling—I can get in the door, get to the decision-maker, but my conversations are falling flat. I am new to sales, moved over from packaging design and distribution. My company provided some training, but...