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Sales Logic - Selling Strategies That Work

Feb 28, 2023

Lightning Round:  Top 10 Ways to Manage a Bad Sales Manager 

Question: Carolyn from San Antonio asks, “I feel like the sales profession is really changing. Companies are more concerned with sales quotas and how quick you can close the sale rather than building relationships. I love my clients and add value to their...

Feb 21, 2023

LIghtning Round - 10 Ways to Start Second Quarter Strong


Question: Justin from Richmond, VA asks, “I am a new sales manager working in Pharma, and while we are doing well, we are still not meeting our sales quotas—and to get there  I need my team to open more doors. They tend to go back to the well— the...

Feb 14, 2023

Lightning Round:  10 Ways to Use ChatGPT Now


Question:  Henry in NYC asks;  “Everyone is talking about ChatGPT and how it’s going to change everything. Is this going to wipe out a large % of sales jobs?”


Book: Sales Ex Machina by Victor Antonio, James Glenn-Anderson


Check out the article: 15 Ways We Are...

Feb 7, 2023

Lightning Round: 10 Things Your Need to Understand to Break Into a Global Market


Question: Yamit in Jerusalem asks, “We’ve been selling in Asian and European markets and we want to break into the United States market since it holds a lot of potential. But we don’t have any connections and don’t know much about...