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Sales Logic - Selling Strategies That Work

Aug 27, 2024

Lightning Round: 10 Ways to Stay Focused During Tough Times

Question: Alanna from Seattle asks, “It’s always been hard getting customers to stay engaged, but this past year it has become harder than ever. Is it me or has something changed I’m not aware of?”

Book: Selling in a Post-Trust World by Larry Levine


Aug 20, 2024

Lightning Round: 10 Ways to Build Your Sales Confidence

Question: John from San Diego asks, “I am a bit of a news junkie, and watching this week everyone is talking about the stock market going down and interest rate cuts coming. I work in the restaurant industry—is there anything I should be doing to prepare for...

Aug 13, 2024

Lightning Round: Best Places to Find Ideas for Content Creation

Question: Regina in Milwaukee says, “I’m in manufacturing sales, things are getting slow. We just had our mid-year meeting and they came down with the bad news. With inflation, interest rates, election year, sales are slowing, and now they’re cutting...

Aug 6, 2024

Lightning Round: 10 Hardest Sales Lessons You Have Ever Learned

Question: Ramona from Ventura CA asks, “I am feeling the pressure in my current role—the coming election has impacted my clients, their budgets, projects getting cut, and I think just fear. I don't know what to do or how to handle it. Ideas?”
