Feb 27, 2024
Lightning Round: Top 10 Sales Trends You Need to Be Paying Attention To
Question: Kelsey McNamara asks via Spotify, “I’m a field sales rep seeking advice. How can I get better at discipline and prioritization?”
Book: LinkedIn for Personal Branding by Sandra Long
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Feb 20, 2024
Lightning Round: Top 10 Strategies for Cold Calling
Question: Joanna in San Francisco asks, “I run a large sales team for a start-up. We had a strong 2023, but around the 4th quarter things started to slow. We were still making calls, lots of calls. Even getting in front of customers. But our close ratio is slowing...
Feb 13, 2024
Mark and Meridith’s Best Sales Advice for Increased Production and Market Share
Lightning Round: Top Strategies for Increasing Performance in Q1
Question: Gina from Toronto says, “Love your podcast, I listen every week. Just curious, what do you think has been some of the best sales advice you have ever been...
Feb 6, 2024
Lightning Round: Top 10 Marketing Strategies for 2024
Question: Susan from Boise, Idaho asks, “I run the sales team for a Fortune 500 Insurance Company and we have been an island for years and quite successful. In December, we got a new head of Marketing, and I really like her. She was a CRO in some very successful...