Oct 25, 2022
Lightening Round: Top 10 Ways You Know Your Sales Process Is Working
Question: Tito from Majorca, Spain asks, "I work at a mature technology company, and I am a newer sales manager - have only been here a year. I think our sales process is outdated - it was designed over five years ago. What are your thoughts - do...
Oct 18, 2022
Lightning Round: 10 Ways to Achieve Consistent Sales Success
Question: Jerry from Atlanta asks, "I lead a sales team of 9 salespeople and there’s no consistency in the results quarter to quarter. Each quarter there are one or two that blow past their numbers and there’s another one or two that fall far...
Oct 11, 2022
Lightning Round - Top 10 Strategies for Social Selling Effectively
Question - April from Duluth asks, "I am a fairly new sales leader for a company in Minnesota. This last year has been up and down for my team. Their biggest struggle is getting to the decision maker. I have inherited a fairly traditional sales team -...
Oct 4, 2022
Lightning Round: Top 10 Things You Need to Do to Prepare for a Shifting Marketplace
Question: Matt from Wilmington Delaware asks, "So I lead a team that sells into the housing market. We are on the frontlines of a downturning economy. As a leader what do I do? Be transparent with my team and have them think I am a...