Jun 19, 2020
When it comes to times of difficulty or crisis, like the Coronavirus, how should salespeople negotiate? Should sales professionals feel the need to renegotiate contracts and deals? We'll explore this topic and give you the tips to be successful.
For more from Meridith Elliott Powell
Jun 13, 2020
Join Mark Hunter and Meridith Elliott Powell on this live recording of the Sales Logic Podcast. Every week they are broadcast live on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn with the show.
If you want more from Mark, visit him here.
If you'd like to hear more from Meridith, visit her right...
Jun 8, 2020
Challenging times can steal your hope, exhaust your energy and take your joy. The very things you need most to survive a crisis. But can you find joy in a crisis? Can all this chaos actually fuel your energy and reinvigorate your hope? Join us for this week’s episode of Common Sense Solutions For Uncommon Times,...
Jun 5, 2020
In this episode, Mark Hunter and Meredith Elliott Powell explore
a key listened submitted question: how can we, or should we,
prospect into industries hit by Coronavirus.
Kep discussions include:
1. Zoom fatigue
2. Understanding customer pain points
3. Art of listening to your customers
For more from Meridith visit...
Jun 1, 2020
Are you wondering whether you sell or not sell through a crisis? What is the best way to approach customers? What strategies ensure you strike the right balance of serving, selling and adding value in a crisis. Join us for this episode of , Common Sense Solutions In Uncommon Times, where energetic, wickedly funny...