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Sales Logic - Selling Strategies That Work

Mar 30, 2021

Meridith and Mark talk all about working with purchasing departments and how you can be more confident and effective in doing so.

Holly in Miami asks: "When does it make sense to go over your buyer’s head when they’re not giving you the information you need?"

Book recommendation: Selling to Big Companies by...

Mar 23, 2021

Meridith and Mark share their tips and insights on what it takes to get into the exclusive club: The C-Suite. Tune in and learn how to leverage your network and sell to C-Suite executives. 

Umar in Senegal poses the problem: “I have been in sales for more than 20 years, always selling into the same industry. I...

Mar 19, 2021

This week, sales experts Meridith Elliott Powell and Mark Hunter discuss actionable strategies for getting past "no" in sales and how you can optimize your time with clients.

John in San Diego asks, "I have a client that has been my client for four years – they beat me up on price, take a lot of my time and frankly, I...

Mar 16, 2021

This week, sales experts Meridith Elliott Powell and Mark Hunter dive into the art of being an optimist – even when surrounded by pessimists.

Tim from Dallas asks, "My boss is negative and much of the sales team is negative, too. Is there anything I can do or should I just leave?"

Book recommendation: 7 Habits of...

Mar 2, 2021

This week, sales experts Meridith Elliott Powell and Mark Hunter discuss the pandemic's effect on researching and sales.

Kwan from Singapore asks, "How do you research prospects before a call or meeting? What information do you look for?"

Book recommendation: Business Made Simple by Donald Miller

Lightning round: Best...