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Sales Logic - Selling Strategies That Work

Jan 31, 2022

Title:   Selling from a Place of Power, Not Need Selling from a position of power rather than a  place of need is how you maximize the value the customer receives and the revenue you get from the sale. 

Listener Question:  Sonya from San Antonio asks: I am the CRO of a growing company. I have been hands-on with our...

Jan 25, 2022

Question: "I am a CEO of a growing start-up that needs to become a real business. We have been in business for ten years and last year, the-you-know-what hit the fan. We grew by 60 employees and I can feel the bureaucracy is taking over. I feel like operations, finance, and fulfillment are slowing us down – we seem to...

Jan 15, 2022

Topic: How to Upskill Your Sales Team

Question: "I need to hire three new salespeople this quarter - we are growing so fast. Salespeople are hard to find, even harder to onboard - any tips or ideas?" – Santiago in Portugal

Book: Inked by Jeb Blount

Lightning Round: Top qualities of successful salespeople - what to...

Jan 9, 2022

Question: "We are a growing company with a product that seems to sell itself. But last year I fired my sales director and just hired a new person to take the role. I am so excited about her background, but want to get her started off on the right foot. What should her onboarding look like and what expectations should I...

Jan 8, 2022

Strategic Selling – What is it, what does it mean, and why it is so important in today's uncertain marketplace?

Question - Leona from Portugal - Hi Mark and Meridith, I listen all the time - thanks so much for this podcast... So here we are kicking off 2022, and I need my team to take sales calls more seriously.  They...